This week, in Oaxaca, we started our Spanish classes at Solexico and were delighted to find out how much we enjoy that which we are learning. Our Spanish is already improving! We have been continuing to learn about the culture and community of Oaxaca with the great Oliver. On Thursday, we took a field trip to a permaculture demonstration called the "Centro demostrativo de permaculture" in San Andres de Huayapam. Here, we learned about successful attempts to raise the water table in places, such as Oaxaca, that struggle greatly with the lack of water. In order to improve the water situation and also to grow food, and work towards a sustainable living situation, we learned that the workers here strive to have nature "do the hark work" so that they will, therefore, not have to buy gas, build pumps, etc. The place was beautiful and it was incredible to see such how much work had gone into such a wonderful and environmentally sound project.
In exploring the city, we have become more comfortable with our surroundings and we are settling nicely into our home stays. Though several of us have reported getting turned around from time to time, we seem to always find our ways home! At Solexico, several additional classes and opportunities are given to us. Many of us have taken advantage of additional activities such as (but not limited to): pick-up soccer games, cooking classes, salsa classes, social and bonding times at local cafes, and intercambio experiences (the opportunity to talk to a student who wishes to learn English in an attempt to improve our Spanish!) This weekend, group members have gone on bike tours, have eaten Oaxacan chocolate, went to the big market at Tlaclalula, have participated in group Zumba classes in the llano park, and have had a great amount of fun!
Looking ahead to next week, we plan to continue with our Spanish classes and focus more on our independent study projects (more information to come!) Oaxaca is a beautiful and great place. We miss our families greatly and will be sure to soak up some extra sun while many of you are shoveling, bundling up, and wearing ski goggles to class!
Sierra & Jocelyn
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! YES....we have been shoveling...non-stop! Thinking of you all....